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Buckstar - "I know, I know, we're not that close, even though we're brothers. But I enjoy him immensely, and he's a great cat. I look up to him, and love him."
Darkfire - "Darky! He's the best! An amazing fighter, and a great companion. I'm glad to have him as a friend, and I can't wait to hang out more."
Lionpaw - "Hmm. Goldenboy.. is interesting. He's not my favorite, but he's kinda cool, yet annoying and brave in that stupid way that everyone seems to like."
Pebbleclaw - "Dad was.. fine enough, but he pushed me too hard. Glad he took me away from Mom.."
River - "Never cared about Mom, but she named me, so she gotta love some part?"
Dirtfire - ".. Him? Oh, he fosure hated me. But I liked him, cause I got lots of knowledge from him."
Frostbreeze - "Annoying, selfish, snarky, rude, karen. Seriously, which wimp choose her to be medicine cat?"
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